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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by DeceptiveAlarm, 24 Jun 2013.

  1. I don't know if any of you guys have tried this but I downloaded it over the weekend. I don't think its a title that we would ever run with but it is a decent way to kill time. I heard there is some pvp but so far what I have seen and played is a co-op raid based game. I like it but I think if a few of us teamed up on TS that it could be a lot of fun.

    Download it and give it a shot people. I think its worth it and its free.
  2. I've already played it for a bit, heck I got the ash suit and shotgun pistol and a semi auto rifle from it, I was working up to some duel blades before I lost interest but if more get involved I may consider re donning the suit.
  3. Almost to Mastery 2. Want to get a Rhino. Dracowolf75 in game.
  4. Well I haven't downloaded it this weekend, though I have played it...

    It is one of those games (like most we play) where "there is no I, period", an unless multiple people are able to be on for it.

    All in all, however, the last time I checked, squadding with those on the friends list STILL doesn't work. Not sure I could invest time in a game that refuses to have that.
  5. Tried adding you, said you didn't exist.
  6. Dur, wrong game. Just Dracowolf.
  7. I play pretty often. ive been pretty active during this event. Im mastery rank 10 and own every frame except Nekros. If anyone wants to add me on Warframe my name is Fonekill.
  8. Added ya. How do you get a clan started?

    Just about maxed out the Rhino. Hit mastery 3 got galatine on cook. Got about 10 missions into event so far. Not sure I'll hit 100.
  9. I just hit Mastery 2 last night and grabbed the Rhino, I have the ember as well.

    Havent tried the clan thing yet.
    Last edited: 28 Oct 2013
  10. Not a bad game, it has been positively reviewed, nothing groundbreaking, but it is fun and I do enjoy some simple co-op games sometimes.
    Last edited: 28 Oct 2013
  11. Damn Fonekill, you played this game a little huh.

    Maxed out my Rhino. Got Boltor and Galatine working up. I still don't do very good damage. Not getting any of the good mods yet. Need focus, stretch, etc.

    This event has really tired me out on the game though. Doing the same conflict missions 5-10 times each really gets old. No way I'm getting to 100. Whole object of game though seems like a competition on who can kill the fastest. Haven't messed with voids yet or what T3 is. Be glad when this event is over so I can get back to missions.
  12. I agree, the event sucked and was repetitive. It was the same goal and tile set for every mission.

    At least the missions gave a lot of resources, credits, and catalysts/reactors/forma.
    Last edited: 29 Oct 2013
  13. I haven't played the event to much. As far as warframes go, I have gotten to the point that I can barely play anything other then rhino lol.
  14. Really getting frustrated trying to get all the pieces for a new frame. Seems like there is always 1 piece that never drops.
  15. Im still showing you pending on my friend request.
  16. Ok I think I figured it out.
    Last edited: 1 Nov 2013
  17. Nice to know the Glaive made a comeback; I've been waiting for the weapon for ages :)
  18. I know this is an older post, but after years of lightly following Warframe, a few friends talked me into trying it out last night. It seems much better than what I have observed in previous iterations. It looks like they have opened up a lot of it and it is (so far) a blast.

    Let me know if any of you are still actively playing, it'd be great to get a group together.

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