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Multiplayer open to first 200,000 citizens!

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by StickMan9000, 3 Jul 2014.

  1. Patching now to join the party!
  2. Busy weekend, but will be in there asap. Hopefully I can steal some time early Saturday evening or Sunday morning!

  3. Servers are getting decimated right now with this huge influx of people. Just a loading fest for everyone :D

  4. Yeah, it would load a level, and then just kick you back to the hangar.
  5. I stayed up long enough to patch last night and get into a match for about 10 minutes. The lag! lol. Oh well, it'll only get better. :thumbsup:
  6. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Heh... By the time it gets to me, it'll all be straightened out! I'm something like 290,000...
  7. As long as nobody is lagging around like crazy, I do alright.

  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Is there any tips you can give us Stick, Nacht and Khorne? So we aren't complete noobs once it comes out?
    1. Straight lines are the enemy
      1. Try to approach your target at a bit of an angle while strafing in all directions all the way to throw off their aim
      2. Don't decouple, spin around backwards, and continue along the original movement vector. Your guns may be facing backwards, but you're still traveling in the straight line you started on.
    2. People tend to get into a spinning death-ball their opponent, and constantly flip around on the same axis (e.g. both players will pass one another, decouple, pitch up to see the target, repeat) which leads to a predictable engagement. Mix it up and roll 45-90 degrees before your next flip.
    3. Play to the strengths of your ship.
      1. The Hornet will chew you up in close range and has enough armour to back it up. If you're in a 300i, engage from a distance for as long as possible and use that beefy main thruster to outrun them. Re-engage at max range, repeat.
      2. The position of the thrusters on the Hornet allow it stop very quickly, so don't forget to use your space brake! That maneuver from the Hornet commerical? It's possible albeit not as dramatic.
      3. The Aurora is a much smaller target than the other ships, and the hull can take one hell of a beating. Combine that with flying evasively, you can easily outlast most opponents. You can't kill what you can't hit.
  9. I don't have much to add yet as I've not played much. I've had a very hard time connecting to matches; The ones I've got in are too laggy to really play; and I've yet to make it through the whole match without getting disconnected. :/

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