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Friday Night Fly-In December 23 @ 8pm

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 17 Dec 2016.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Just a heads up folks. Because next Saturday night is Christmas Eve we're going to do the Fly-in on Friday night starting at 8pm Eastern. I would like to point out that those of us who are subscribers are available to download and play in the Persistent Test Universe as of yesterday. You should see the PTU light up on your portal after you log into the game. Instructions should have been sent to all subscribers already.

    So if you are a subscriber download the PTU this week and have it ready to go Friday night. The PTU also includes Star Marine. So we can try some of that as well.

    Looking forward to seeing you all in PTU space next Friday night!
  2. Damonke

    Damonke DragonWolf

    If you haven't seen the announcement, they've unlocked Crusader in the PTU now. Crew manned ships and caterpillar chicken is a thing now, apparently.
  3. and star marine
  4. And Pirate Swarm!
  5. I had PTU access from an earlier phase, but it seems to have been disabled and now I can't update it.
  6. Hagz

    Hagz DragonWolf

    That named M50 is annoying lol

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