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A sad, heartfelt goodbye

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by CrawlingKane, 10 Jan 2004.

  1. A sad heartfelt good bye is instore for the Titans of Tennesse after a great season and a well fought 2nd round play off game, they had to end their season...they'll be back next year (hopefully) ... :( :( :( :(
  2. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    oh man when i first saw the thread title i thought u were leaving CDL :lol: had me worried there for a sec
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    yeah, same here!

    Wish I would have seen the entire game though.
  4. HAHAHA ..i would NEVER EVER leave CDL ...this is my home away from home away from home!!!! ..i meant a sad day for Titans hehe :D
  5. Pats 4 teh win
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Pats > *
  7. :eek: Yea CK - You scared the heebie-jeebies outta me~!!! :eek:

    ....But...as far as Football goes - my picks are still good for Super Sunday =
    EAGLES (by 3)
  8. :cry: MY CHIEFS LOST!!!
  9. ok first of all it will be Phili at Pats...IF the colts make it, i'm going to personal hunt down mr. manning and shoot him.. :-D ..hehe...anyway...and the eagles are going to win!!!
  10. anyone over the eagles...thats my team now.. :(

    mcnabb can...well...he can...

    im not gonna say cause there are children present... :mad:
  11. goin home town

    Panthers are a very long shot, but im keeping faith. IF they play well they can beat any team, if not then...
  12. yes.. i was waiting for mcnair to pull off another miracle play on forth down but they just had tooo many penalties. Now the titans are out so i dont care too much about the super bowl.
  13. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Tis a sad day for all Packer fans across the planet Test. But, I'm not bitter at either team. Both played their guts out. We need help on the D-line for KGB to be an effective pass rush. Constantly running safety and cornerback blitzes got us overpursuing McNabb.

    Favre will be back next year, hungrier than ever. The sting of this loss will be felt for a long time, but eventually the sting will be plucked out and the Packers will be victorious once again.

    Just remember this Test. If anyone comes up to you and brags about the Eagles, just ask them how many Championships THEY have. Casually remind them that the Packers hold 12 world championships, pat them on the shoulder, and walk away.
  14. *thinks about the lions* how many of your teams hold the record for most losses straight on the road.........HA!!...no wait.


    oh and i blame that on the blatenly crappy callings on one of the games that would have silenced this before it happened.. right before 1/2 time the lions recovered a fumble and ran it for a touchdown......but a ref blew the whistle around 18 yardline for no apparent reason at all(at least the refs didn't know why or who did it) but that signals the play's end. We did not get the touchdown before the 1/2 and lost the game by less that a touchdown.

    /me hunts down the ref with a shotgun and an evil grin
    Last edited: 12 Jan 2004
  15. I feel your pain Mold..do you live in Tenn?
  16. Since Chiefs lost, im rootin' for the eagles. My boy Mark Simoneau plays for them. So what....I only like him because he came from Kansas State.
  17. Yeah.....k-state....there good.................... :rolleyes:
  18. yea....Kinda like Florida State huh? ;)
  19. I swear to god I will stab you with a soldering iron! :dud:
  20. I'm hoping for a Colts vs. Panthers Superbowl. :D

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