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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 11 Jul 2003.

  1. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    What sounds fun?
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  3. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Solitaire :p
  4. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf


    hey its new if you never played it :p
  5. Rise of Vong Nations

    Vong Faction II

    Soldier of Vong II

    Line of Sight: Viet-Vong (personal fav)

    Deady Vong Dozen series (personal fav series)

    Vong Halo 2 (woot)

    Half-Vong 2 (looks like a system hog)

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Vong

    Ghost Vongcon - and exp packs (Desert Preator & Vong Thunder)

    Rainbow Six 3: Vong Shield

    Neverwinter Vong - and exp pack (Shadows of Preator)

    Vong Hunter 2004 (got me 12 point world record)

    Dead Man's Vong (oooooo... can't wait for this one)

    DBZ: Legacy of Praetor II

    Lots of good games out there...

    Last edited: 12 Jul 2003
  6. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Warcraft III: Frozen Throne!!!!!!!!!!! so kick ass
  7. Vong mispoke (yet again....)
    It's actually called
    And his people are in the sequal.

  8. What?!?!?!?!

    We aren't in the first one?!?!?!?!



    We got your frontier people high as a kite...

    Ride the DRAGON...

    Or we gave your rail laying people water...


    Come to think of it...

  9. I second minesweeper.
  10. Hell yes.
  11. Microsoft Pinball - my best score, 8 million. :)
  12. Best time in Minesweeper easy, 11 seconds, best time in Minesweeper custom, 1 second. :D
  13. Mathblaster

    end of discussion
  14. ... starwars animated chess ownz all! Leia to Wookie 4!

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