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An Article sent to my email.

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Cyrus, 23 Nov 2005.

  1. "religion is the path to hell"

    .. this is all I got out of that post. =P
  2. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    All I can say on this...

    There are flights out of the US at all hours. No one makes anyone stay if they don't like it.
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Right on, Otto.
  4. Master

    Master "First Ten" Club Member

    Heck I bet for a few of you, we would even raise the money for your plane ticket...

    Funny - most of the people I hear that come back from Iraq paint a different picture. One of gratitude and pride from the Iraqi people that even though with the current struggles, they know the lives of their children has just been improved in a way they could not provide. Of course CNN doesnt interview these guys.

    A single death is horrible but for most, an oppurtunity at life is worth the risk.
  5. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    How sad. You know I wrote this right here just because I knew some people just couldn't maintain civil attitudes. They can't debate but they can make personal attacks.

    I guess that makes me a witch? No wait.. wrong time period. Oh I'm a Red.. a dirty Commie? No? I'm a separatist! Wait.. that was Star Wars Episode III. Terrorist? Anti-American? What are we calling open minded people who draw their own conclusions and don't just go with the popular "Saddam has WMD" and other Bush propaganda beliefs? I know I'm not a Democrat or a liberal because I like me some guns and I don't want the government to control everything I do.

    Guess that makes me an American. That's what this nation was founded on right? Freedom to be different, to belief in different Gods, freedom of expression. I'm sorry my freedom to have difference in opinion so greatly offends you but you must understand I am an American. I have the freedom to not agree with you. You talk about me getting a plane ticket and leaving America but what you should be doing is getting yourself a ticket because YOU are in the WRONG nation. You want a nation where everyone agrees and those who don't are shot... CHINA. You want a nation without religion... CHINA You want a nation where people are killed just for being different or not "perfect".. CHINA. Hell they used to kill baby girls because they wanted more males.

    How many American soldiers have died fighting for freedom only to have you dishonor their sacrifices? Someone said something you didn't agree with and instead of debating or opening a dialogue you attacked them for having a difference of opinion?! How unAmerican of you and how dare you tell me that I should leave my nation. My entire family has served this nation and many of them retired military. Of course not everyone had the luxury of retirement. War is hell and my bloodline has given the ultimate sacrifice. Oh yes it is my family that has died fighting for the freedom you so quickly dismiss. Maybe it is these folded flags that prevent me from joining your closed minded views. The constant reminder that war is very real, very horrifying, and that those who give the ultimate sacrifice must always be honored. Don't dismiss that which they died fighting for. Don't dishonor America or it's people by dissolving the freedoms it was built around. Don't attack others simply because they do not agree. That is the Chinese way not the American one. So if you still feel that way.. go get your ticket.

    I didn't post this for you closed minded people. There is no point. You wouldn't/didn't listen to anything I said. You came in with your predetermined conclusion and looked for a way to justify it. I wrote this for the open minded people. Those who have remained silent for fear of hostilities being taken against them as well. Those who fear your negative judgements.

    Don't be like these people. Don't close your mind to possibilities and let your anger have the best of you. Don't let your freedoms be dissolved just for the illusion of safety. Our 4 fathers and hundreds of thousands of American soldiers have died fighting for these freedoms we have. Don't let the closed minded people take them away from you. You don't have to confront them like I have. All you have to do is vote... don't vote the democrat or republican way. Vote for what you personally feel is best. They have a name for these kinds of voters. They're called swing voters and it's swing voters that really make the difference in this country.

    /sigh Well I guess I'm banned but if I'm going down I may as well have some last words.

    My loyalties are held to the Trinity, the Family, and the good old US of A. To these I am Semper Fidelis but do not confuse my loyalty to my nation as a loyalty to this nations current administration. I am dedicated to the USA. No administration of political stance need be considered for this to be true. I am dedicated to the deep core of America not the shallow administration which floats above it. I love my nation and though some people of my nation may not share my views I wish no harm upon them for this is America... Land of the Free and America has nothing greater than it's own Democracy.

    -Mtx From 9/01 To 12/11/05

    Last edited: 11 Dec 2005
  6. So what you're saying is... you aid terrorists... I SEE IT CLEARLY NOW!! :D
  7. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    It's not nearly as simple as that, unless you have dual citizenship or a highly-valued skill that the country you choose to go to can't find among its own citizens. That doesn't cover too many people.

    Of course, you can always apply for citizenship in a new country. The process varies depending on the country you are interested in emigrating to, but it is generally long and involved, taking several years to complete. This assumes that your country of choice will accept you. Many countries will, so there are plenty of choices, some very nice places to live. Also, the process is generally much easier if you have family in the country.

    An interesting thing about the emigration process is that once you have gained citizenship in your new country, I believe you are still responsible for US federal income tax for ten years after you have left the country, including the payroll taxes that your employer normally pays for you without deducting from your paycheck, so you can end up with a gigantic tax burden for several years.

    Another option is to try to gain refugee status, which is the closest in spirit to your suggestion. It also doesn't work very well, as you generally have to demonstrate that you were persecuted in some way in your country of origin, or you'll be denied refugee status and be turned back. No matter how much some may dislike it here, not very many people are truly persecuted. Also, Canada, at least, is forbidden by treaty from accepting refugees from the US under certain conditions. I don't know if similar treaties exist with other countries, but I suppose it's possible.

    This is all academic, of course -- I like it here. It's not perfect, but no country is, and I don't have many complaints. I just wanted to make the point that leaving the country isn't as simple as a plane ticket, though it's certainly possible. :)
  8. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    We're all friends here, and when we're tossing around insults, telling our friends that we don't wish to live in the same country with them over something as trivial as a political disagreement, and talk of banning is floating around, it makes me sad. :( Shouldn't our friendships be more important than our political views? :love:

  9. So what you're saying is... you aid terrorists... I SEE IT CLEARLY NOW!!

    Oh sorry I'll put away the canned response now. <3

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