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Pumpkin carving!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Om, 31 Oct 2006.

  1. jupe

    jupe Shocklance Ninja DragonWolf

    this is our pumpkin this year

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    :lol: jupe

    I figured it would be something with a Shocklance and hapless victims.

  3. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    From my experience tonight, this Great Holiday called Halloween (Trick or Treat) has lost it's appeal.

    Maybe 12 Trick or Treaters.

    And that really makes me mad.

    The best part about this night is handing out the good stuff, Reese's PB cups..the two cup deals, or a Hersheys Bar, the real one, not some little "fun size" crap. Whoever came up with "fun size" or "Bite Size" needs to be tortured.

    Why do I give out the "regular" sized ones? Because it's what should be given out. Give your own kids the small ones.

    But tonight was really bad. And I am pissed. What has happened? Where were the Trick or Treaters? Last year I had over forty of them. This year maybe twelve?

    Are parents becoming so lazy they can't take Jr. out for a night of fun? A real night of fun? Are parents so worried that they can't send the kids out? Are parents now becoming so religious that Halloween is now a "no-no"?

    The second part I can understand, but it kinda ties in with the first.

    This night isn't, for the kids, about ANYTHING religious. It's about running around and having fun in a costume. It's about being "Superman", or...egad...a "Witch" with a tall pointy hat. And getting candy.

    And I will repeat the most important thing. GETTING CANDY.

    As a kid, I remember Halloween as nothing but fun.

    Thanks, grown-ups, for making it more than what any kid would really care about.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Or it could just be that parents are worried about all the whack-jobs who take kids and perpetrate horrendous crimes on them.

    Anymore its gotten so bad I worry when my 18 year old goes out to the movies.
  5. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Around here we have a few churches that put out flyers saying come to the church for games , carnival and safe place for the family.
  6. Those people have ALWAYS been around.. even when you were trick-or-treating all those years ago. Parents not letting their kids go trick-or-treating because of that worry is ridiculous. Let me explain that.. WORRYING about that situation is perfectly understandable and expected. But parents that say 'no, you can't go trick-or-treating' because of 'bad people'? No.. especially if there are a ton of other kids/parents roaming the streets. If parents are that worried about it, perhaps they should come along.

    I have to say that I agree with chuk on this.
  7. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    And we know that Halloween is the major night that this happens??

    Whack-jobs only surface on Halloween?

    Perhaps we should not let kids see Santas in any malls or other places......oh wait, Santa is a "good guy", the person dressed as him would never think of taking advantage of little kids...just as long as they sit on his lap.

    You want wack-jobs, look to religion, there are plenty to go around. The church just hides them, then claims not knowing of anything.

    Let me put this little tidbit out there....have you ever noticed that all the real full blown wackaloons have short hair or no hair? Doesn't really mean much, until you start slamming some long haired dudes. But think about that.

    As far as Halloween and whack jobs doing stuff...give me a break. God fearing people do wack jobs all the time...you all call it Terrorism, I call them cowards.

    Please, prove to me that Halloween is the night of "Perversion 101". Remember...I'm not a Pervert...I'm a Provert...I'm a Professional!! So, you better know what the hell you are talking about.
  8. I *knew* there was a reason to avoid Faithstrike...

  9. Master

    Master "First Ten" Club Member

    Surprisingly in my neighborhood we had the largest turn out yet. I would guess about 200 kids or so. We went through $45.00 worth of candy! But you know what, the weather sucked, the rain came down - but my kids had the best time running door to door getting candy and letting adults laugh at their silly costume or their reaction to the candy.

    As much fun as it is for the kids - most adults get that same joy from the holiday. Things are getting so bad that my daughters school "Harvest" party would not allow games that had skeletons, Jack O'Lanterns or anything Halloween related.

    Churches have safe family friendly environments, but their is something to see a hundred kids running the street in all sorts of costumes get excited for each and every $.02 tootsie roll they receive.
  10. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    We had the exact opposite effect here in Albany.

    My mother-in-law has a tradition of handing out the big King sized candy bars, you know the ones. Sam's Club has them all the time for the candy vendors and such. Anyway, she also bakes home made pizza. And when an Italian makes Pizza, you KNOW it's gonna be gooooood. So the last couple of years there's been a sporadic turnout. This year we had to have close to 100 kids come to our door. Kendra was absolutely a doll dressed up in her Packer Cheerleader uniform (Pics soon, I promise). Why did we get all these people this year? Well, there is a development not very far from here that was put up about 3 years ago. So you have to figure the kids at that development are now at the right age to go trick-or-treating. We had carloads and even a trailer full of kids come by. We ran out of pizza so I had to run out and get dough. It was exhausting but very fun.

    It's all about location Chuk. That's what I'm seeing this as.

    As far as the whack jobs; they're not coming near my little girl. Next year, when we go out for our first time, I'm making sure that I am in some sort of costume that allows me to wear some sort of weapon. Maybe I'll go as a ninja and Kendra can be the Ninja Princess. Or, better yet, I'll go as Darth Sentrosi and Kendra can be my young apprentice *evil laugh* and I'll be sure to carry around a light saber. This way we can see where we're going and I can slice anyone who comes within 3' of touching my daughter.
    Last edited: 1 Nov 2006
  12. OMG no you didn't. That is just wrong man. LOL
  13. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    We didn't have a very big turnout last night either. Even my daughter commented that not many showed up at the door. The big story in the news that replayed days before, and the night of halloween around here was the crackdown on sexual predators on this night.

    They went on about how police were kept busy patrolling neighborhoods and checking the residences of known sexual predators to make sure they had stayed home and left their porch lights off so as not to attract children. Was this to reassure us or terrify us?

    I don't know if the media had an impact or not. Slow year for us.

    We used to love the candy holiday.
  14. As far as the actual 'candy hand-outs' go...
    I live on a busy street, so nobody comes to the door to any of us that face the road.
    However, behind us are a couple of small residential roads, I pull the wagon and off we go....
    It was freezing (literally - it was 31 degrees out when we headed out 6:20 PM, with a thin layer of ice on the lake this morning), and when the 2 year old got too tired, I carried her and we finished up. They had to dump out their buckets into the wagon once. Had it been warmer, we would have gone on a bit longer, but its all good. The treats lasts a long time, I don't let them eat it all up...


    PS - Oh and Faithstrike, I actually posted the MySpace photo of Racewiz, and I was going to place your's next to it...but decided that would be too much.
  15. You are just too funny bro. I sure can feel the love.
  16. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I didn't say that.
    I didn't say that either.
    Why are you comparing Halloween with Christmas?
    Now I see where this is headed. ;)
    Who slammed "long haired dudes"? I seem to remember getting in some fights over your right to have long hair. I have short hair - does that force me into that category you brought up?
    No, terrorism is the use of terror to further an idealogical/political agenda. Any human being on this planet is capable of doing bad things. Some people simply choose to limit the opportunities for these bad people to exercise their terrible actions.
    I didn't say it was. Also, I don't need to prove anything to you, actually. I was simply responding to your comments on why people were scarce that night by offering some ideas.
    Remember, I know you well - I grew up with you. I usually don't comment on something on which I am ignorant. I try to avoid getting involved in something unless I have something to offer. But one thing I always try to do is show civility to those with who I am chatting.
  17. Halloween has become a night where jerkoff teenagers egg TP and cream the hell out of everything in sight..... kinda sad actually, apparently some real pricks decided it'd be fun to shoot ppl with Frozen paintballs, knocked a teenage boy and a little girl unconscience...... and KILLED another....

    this year was like the ONLY year I made my own costume and got psyched to go get some free candy.... I had the COPS turn me back for no god damn reason they said "Halloween's over this year go back home"

    Why? cuz a group of kids were egging a house and when we saw them the cops caught them.....

    Worst of all my sister was with these kids

    (BTW i was a homeless guy XD got a lot of laughs =])
  18. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Maybe we need to spend some time with our children and show them how to have fun without going too far. A little self restraint goes a long, long way, and it is something that comes so much easier for young people when they are given some direction. Can't blame Halloween for our own shortcomings as human beings.
  19. i love halloween, i always have :) its always been something fun and traditional in our family. both of my parents always made it a holiday we looked forward to.

    every year i make the kids costumes, yes i sew them, my children may have two costumes total that mom did not make. its fun to let them decide what they want to go as. we spend a weekend brainstorming and pouring thru books with different ideas, or magazines articles i clipped out of some magazine with neat costumes.

    we spend a day driving to a huge pumpkin patch and pick out our *perfect* pumkin. we dont just go buy one at the store, and we dont go to set up ones either, the pumpkins have to have been grown in the field and we go and pick it out :) some years there is mud involved, but we cope! after hunting thru the pumpkins and finding that one, usually a large one that an adult has to carry, we haul them back to the car and climb in. This year we found a great pumpkin patch that was close to home, had a hay ride and everything in the mountians of all places :) it was awsome. fed the pigs, they had a huge turtle that my youngest got to take a good picture of. Was a blast, a bit pricy but we felt it was money well spent. The kids look forward to pumpkin picking as much as they do the carving and trick or treating.

    the weekend before halloween we carve our pumpkins, this year i saw fit to dump the seeds (accidentally) into the bottom of the oven, so we had to pull it apart and clean it out.... and then bake them, after washing them off and starting over :) (they were delicious btw) and carving is a huge thing in our household, even my youngest picks out what he wants on his pumpkins and does a great job of doing his thing. The kids love to pull the *guts* and *brains* out of the pumpkins and they love the seeds so much, they wont start pulling anything else out until they get every last seed, i have to say this year was the best because they actually can get all their own seeds out now so i am not having to do it :)

    Then comes the big night, its a tradition with some friends of ours, we do a big potluck dinner and get together, feed the kids and shoo them all out the door together, so about ten of them and a few of the dads, trail along house to house and they make up trick or treat songs and fight over who gets to ring the next door bell and say thank you. i was informed this year the boys only said trick or treat smell my feet a few times :) (i guess this is a boy thing) it was another cold year this year, i think it was like 24 out, but everyone was bundled and they all came back rosey cheeked and had a ball. dragging the littles ones home and letting the bigger ones go back out for a bit without the younger ones is always a treat for them too. then they all come home and dump piles of candy on the floor, sorting, trading, bargening for what they can con eachother out of, although we do have to watch the older kids dont take advantage of the younger ones ;)

    ya there are alot of freaks out there, but i think sometimes society uses that as an excuse not to have to take their kids out for fun. if your there with them, and being a part of it too i highly doubt anyone is going to do anything. people anymore do not want to own responsibility and just want to *send* their children out. or take them somewhere easy where they dont have to say walk ten blocks dragging the kids along......:)

    anywho, i love halloween, some years i dress up, some i dont, but we always celebrate it in fashion, a nice dinner some good friends and lots of fun!

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