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Piracy is the better choice

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by KickedOut, 26 Dec 2006.

  1. That's the beautiful thing about piracy, and why when I download that recently released movie in HD, I have absolutely no remorse in doing so. Money money money money money. These companies have enough and more of it, yet they just want more. It was a stupid move to start lawsuits against piracy, because by now I'm sure more than half of their potential consumers know of, and have tried piracy. They're trying to take legal action against an unbelievably large mass of people and are only getting more and more hate generated towards them.

    Think about it. The most a movie budget has costed to date is $250,000,000 in Spiderman 3 (not released yet). Through the sales of movie tickets/DVD sales worldwide, at $10 a movie ticket and $30 a DVD, they will make a rediculous profit. Something as big as Spiderman 3 will easily generate profit in excess of $200,000,000 (extremely conservative) in which Sony will get to pocket.

    Spiderman and Spiderman 2 generated profits in excess of $300,000,000. Spiderman specifically, has made a profit of roughly $682,706,375. That doesn't include all of the franchising that has spawned from it. Movies are priced way too high, and consumers are catching on. Instead of adjusting prices, the movie companies sue for more money. How much do you want to bet that if movie prices were dropped to $5 a DVD, movie sales would skyrocket? Hundreds of millions of people spending $5 would still cover movie development cost and line the pockets of these money hogs generously.

    However their decision has been simply to throw lawsuits at their potential customers and show that they are willing to spend their ludicrous amounts of money to take more money from your average joe who happened to try piracy. They're suing themselves into a corner, and before they know it so few people will be interested in buying DVDs over pirating them that the movie industry will crumble, and new, smarter movie producers will surface and not screw their customers as badly as the major companies do now.
  2. Do you use BT or Usenet,

    I used usenet when I had charter.net but they and bottle necked the connection rentension was high for a local provider but I got tired of waiting 16 hrs for DL.

    I recently switched to DSL through AT&T for the pure connection speed was more for less. However now the tradoff is that AT&T fuxored all the good binarys so I might go bak to a pay usenet ;).
  3. I use a variety of "services" so to speak. To post any of them would probably get me in trouble though. But yeah, I use BT 90% of the time.
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea posting them would be bad for my hosting contract. :p

    Not only do they charge and make to much from movies, most movies are unoriginal trash anyway. When was the last movie that actually broke some good ground?
  5. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    This movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPONTneuaF4
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

  7. you know, when sentrosi said gahh.. it burns, i KNEW i should NOT of clicked on the link, but temptation was too much and i did.. *sighs* i had just gotten the voices out of my head!
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  9. It's all a pyramid scheme. Damn unicorns are out to get our kidneys.
  10. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I liked the link to the exec's kid pirating.

    Judges love that kind of crap. Makes RIAA's lawyers job a little more tough.

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