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San Francisco straw poll for the GOP...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 5 Dec 2007.

  1. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    ..cancelled. Why? "Too many Ron Paul supporters." That makes sense. If one person has too many supporters, cancel the dang thing.

    Here is video.


    You may say "They stacked the deck, so it was cancelled". If the other GOP candidates had this kind of following, would it be cancelled? You notice the huge Fred Thompson sign....where was his supporters? Since they didn't show up, the straw poll now must be cancelled? Why have the dang thing in the first place, then??

    What you see from the attendees is called Freedom. People who won't sit idly by letting ONE person say this is how it goes. You see people standing up and saying "Hey, this isn't right." About time more of us start doing that.

    They call it "civil unrest" or "civil disobedience". We AMERICANS call it "The Right Thing To Do, let Freedom Ring."

    Freedom isn't in the "ringing of a bell", it is in the voices of us Americans standing up and saying "WE are THE PEOPLE.....YOU work for US. You MUST respect US. Govern us by the Laws of OUR Constitution, or govern us not at all."

    December 16th, Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Support THE one who will govern by OUR Constitution, Dr. Ron Paul. Donate and be another part of history in the works to have America Free again.
  2. Disgusting. I'll be donating on the 16th.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm embarassed for our country today. Whatever I can scrounge up on the 16th I'll gladly donate to the cause. I'll be in Wisconsin imploring my mom that Hillary Clinton is the wrong candidate for President.
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    The media already decided the nominee's. It's a sad state of affairs but nothing we can do about it sadly.

    Well other than breaking out a militia.
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I think Hillary will make a fine president. I'm disappointed that the straw poll was shut down like that. I can't stand to see people disrespecting other people's opinions and ideas like that.

    disagreeing with each other is fine, but disrespecting is how wars begin.
  6. Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed by this.
  7. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Hillary would NOT make a fine President, as she is corrupt. Not an opinion, but fact. You may not have heard about the case of (Peter) Paul vs Clinton. Understandable, the media is protecting us from that.

    Here is the first part of the scandal. It will have a link to the second part.


    Not bringing my opinion in this, as this is fact that can be discovered.

    If this seems like an attack, then I would ask that any scandalous material about Ron Paul be posted. I can't find any. The stuff about him accepting money from nazi's and the like...he has no control over who gives him money, but he doesn't deny who gave it. And really, any nazi giving Ron Paul money is giving to the wrong person!!

    This is just an attempt to show FACT, not opinion.

    Research each candidate. Don't look at the "We are for..." videos or articles. Watch/read about the "We are against...", then look into it and make your own decisions.

    That is what I have done. And why I feel Ron Paul is not the "lesser of two evils", but Hope for America!
  8. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I respect your *opinion* and the fact is: that is your *opinion* and I am entitled to my own opinion.
  9. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Yes, an opinion based on facts. Kind of like gravity exists because I know that falling out of a tree hurts.

    However, I would emplore you to research Hillary. And I would certainly expect you to find anything bad about Ron Paul that is based on facts that proves he would not be the BEST President.

    Opinions are like those things we all expend waste out of. Facts cannot be denied. If I climb a tall tree and let go, gravity will in FACT have an IMPACT on me.

    Show me that Ron Paul has skeletons in his closet. Show me that Ron Paul has voted AGAINST the Constitution.

    Show me, above and beyond OPINION, that Hillary would be better at running this Country, OUR Country, than Ron Paul.

    I'm not about Opinion....just the facts, ma'am
  10. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Ron Paul...a true HUMAN. He defends his competition, Mitt Romney. Why? Because it is the right thing to do, and it's the Constitutionally right thing to do.

    Personal feelings aside, follow the Constitution. This is Ron Paul..

  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    You realize going after Sky like this you are is just the same as all the garbage political rhetoric we have to deal with day in and day out. Think about it for a second.

    Here is a fact for you, Ron Paul doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected President. I hope that fact proves to be false, but I doubt it will.
  12. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I don't know about that -- I think Paul has some chance of getting the Republican Party nomination, albeit a small one. Six months ago, I would have said he didn't, but now, I'd have to say he has a shot at it. He's the only one generating any real enthusiasm, after all.

    How he would do in the general election is harder to predict. I guess it would depend in large part on who the Democratic candidate is. Given the Democrats' knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, I'd have to give him a non-zero chance there, too.

    If nothing else, I think his popularity may show future politicians that there is a significant voting bloc with libertarian views, which they may try to appeal to. Certainly not a bad thing. It strikes me as a little odd that the libertarian bloc gravitated to Paul when, for example, Dennis Kucinich is actually much more libertarian, but history is full of such little oddities.

    I just want a relevant political party, not just a few rogues who are laughed at and undermined by mainstream society, to support which supports increasing personal freedom (in their actual legislation, not just their blathering), and has a good chance of getting elected. The Democrats do on a few mostly irrelevant issues, and the Republicans never do anymore, they've moved on to directly undermining some of our most important Constitutional rights, which is what caused me to leave the party. I like Paul for this reason, which is also why I like Kucinich and Gravel on the Democratic side (who, incidentally, really do have a zero chance of winning their party nomination). The rest of them can't seem to conceive of doing anything but further restricting our private lives, even though we're already to the point where any activity that deviates much from the 1950's 'Leave it to Beaver' lifestyle carries stiff legal penalties if you're caught doing it. The Constitution was a great start, but it doesn't go nearly far enough in limiting government power.

    I couldn't care less about the Iraq war (yes, it was a mistake to start it, anyone thinking straight in 2003 could have told us that, and did, but the damage is done now, whether we stay and finish the job or pull out really isn't going to change much of anything in the long run). I couldn't care less about the tiny changes in taxation that various candidates are proposing (honestly, by using the government's monetary system, we consent to taxation of it -- if we don't like paying taxes, we can still use another system for the exchange of goods and services; Ithaca, NY actually has an interesting system that they've used for a number of years). I couldn't care less about "Family Values", which, though the definition is increasingly nebulous, seems to increasingly be an issue for the morally bankrupt to hide behind. I don't care about Hillary's corruption (though I dislike her stances on several issues), the only president we've had in the past half-century who wasn't corrupt was Jimmy Carter, and he didn't work out very well because the corrupt in various government agencies undermined him at every turn. A great man, but the system failed him. I don't care about the abortion issue, I think both sides have reasonable arguments, I just have no strong feelings one way or the other about the issue. I wish that legislators would stop passing laws about it, but only as a byproduct of my wish that legislators would stop passing laws in general. Did you know that, for a supposed free country, we have more laws restricting our activities than all other countries in the world put together? There's more to freedom than the right to select your leaders and complain about them, though those are certainly important rights.
  13. I'm planning to go to Boston next weekend for the rally (and the Tea Party 07) if anyone is in the area or would otherwise like to go.
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    One thing I got a kick out of last week is I was watching the Todays show because I was home sick and they were showing the top google stats for this past year.

    The #1 Google search for Presidential Candidates was Ron Paul. And Meredeth says "That's kind of funny isn't it? I mean he doesn't really have a chance" to which the Google rep owned the media :lol:

    Anyway, where is that event in Boston anyway? The website doesn't really say. I can't imagine them floating a boat out to the spot where the tea party took place.. but hey I've seen stranger things. hehe
  15. Well they're floating the ron paul bimp out to the spot to dump the tea... =P

  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea found more info hehe, Faneuil Hall looks like where it is mainly. Figured it would be there
  17. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Ron Paul is close to 11 million http://www.ronpaul2008.com/

    After December 16th this number will be well above his goal of 12 million.

    The first "money bomb" for November 5th there were 18,000 pledges (around 32,000 donated that day). They got more than 18,000 for the December 16th "money Bomb" within a few days.

    We have almost 28,000 pledges now http://www.teaparty07.com/

    Find out why.

    Remember, most polls don't even have Ron Paul as an option. Just because he "show's low" doesn't mean people aren't for him.

    Check YouTube under Ron Paul. We are everywhere!!!

    Be a part of making YOUR America what it was MEANT to be. Ruled by the Constitution, ruled by YOU, the American Citizen.

    Must add this. Are only Americans for Ron Paul? Has his message only been for us Americans?



    Other countries are taking on the Revolution, and are starting to stand up to their own government.

    Freedom is a Seed. And Ron Paul and his supporters has replanted it. Hope for America? Yes. But possibly Hope for the rest of the WORLD!!

    How many of the other candidates have this kind of Wordly Following?

    Something Ron Paul stands for must be right.
    Last edited: 10 Dec 2007
  18. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yesterday I was watching "The Revolution" on The History Channel and Common Sense by Thomas Paine was the topic. It is amazing how one 42 page pamphlet could ignite the people of the colonies together and really make them believe that we could become our own country, ruled by its own people. I've never read Common Sense, but I'm sure that I could Google it and read it.

    The reason why I bring this up is, while watching the show, I thought to myself how Ron Paul is galvanizing a country together for something similar. There IS a revolution brewing. A peaceful exchange of governmental ideas and policies that is long overdue in this country. Perhaps more people should read Common Sense.

    Common Sense by Thomas Paine

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