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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by mdd555, 18 Mar 2010.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The more the merrier on Dragonwolf Teamspeak!
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Good times last night Havv! Glad you could join us on TS.
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    By the way, get TriangleChoke to post up here and join us as well! :D
  4. mdd555

    mdd555 Guest

    Yeah i told him to download TS lastnight, he said he might, although like he said when we get into a tank it does get very crazy on our vent server (becasue you know the guy on the 50 cal, has to tell the driver how to drive the darn tank :D). I need to look into the lineout options on TS to see if i can come in a little louder not sure what the deal is. I dont think i will be able to join you all on TS tonight, i will be breaking in one of our friends who just picked up the game lastnight, so i am going to have to help the noob out tonight a little hehe, he will learn the ways of being shot with a tracer dart lol.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    I have set him up as well just like yours.

    You should be able to make some changes in the TS output settings to turn up your voice. There is also a local test where you can test your own volume. :D
  6. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Well, you heard us last night...we tend to get excited. :lol:
  7. I was curious if you guys were playing anything, I havent played alongside anyone in a while, do you guys a vent, or TS channel?
  8. mdd555

    mdd555 Guest

    Becasue i am a total noob with teamspeak, i was going to ask you guys, how would i run a test to see if i can hear my mic?
  9. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    Get on TS and blow a air horn , if you get banned...people can hear ya :D

    goto setting and sound input/output settings and on bottom is a activate local test , plus can mess with output volume

    Check Options also in settings and check between wave or direct sound and one might work better then the other.
  10. mdd555

    mdd555 Guest

  11. Just to add a little thronebeast's post..

    On the latter.. direct sound occasionally gets messed up... resulting in a burst of noise when a user transmits. wave doesn't get this problem and seems to work best in most cases.

    TS doesn't have a mic volume setting. The slider in the settings is for playback output only. Mic settings need to be adjusted from the sound properties. Not sure what OS you're running but if XP - double clicking the speaker in the system tray brings up the sound properties. You have to hit the dropdown and pick the INPUT side of the sound device and then adjust mic slider there. Often there is an "Advanced Properties" box - click that and look for a "Mic Boost" check box and select it if there.

    Finally, under Settings/Sound Input/Output Settings - as TB said, there is a button near the bottom that says "Activate local test mode" which puts you in a loopback mode where you press your Push to Talk key and speak - which will then playback so you can hear how you come over TS.

    The Test Codec dropdown selects the different methods and levels of encoding which results in varying qualities of sound. We use Speex 12.3 Kbit on the BF2BC channel - the default setting (CELP 5.1 Kbit) is pretty ragged sounding so change it to Speex 12.3 to hear what you will sound like on the BF2BC channel.

    Since TS only has adjustment for playback, set it to a comfortable level for all the other participants on the channel. Then enter local test mode and adjust your mic output from the sound properties so that your voice in local mode sounds to be the same volume as the other players.
    In this way, we all are at similar levels and it prevents one player from being too soft or loud with respect to the others.

    Hope this helps! :D

    - Tactical Assets Officer
    Last edited: 25 Mar 2010
  12. mdd555

    mdd555 Guest

    Right on thank you Marsman for the help, i did get it to work lastnight, but i need to change the speex to 12.3 then i should be set.
  13. Note that the codec dropdown ONLY affects the local loopback test.

    The server itself controls which codec users will transmit with defined by channel. So being in the BF2BC channel will cause your TS client to use 12.3 automatically. ;)

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