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Other Games?

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Traceroute, 6 Jun 2014.

  1. Traceroute

    Traceroute DragonWolf

    Just wondering what other games people play? Currently outside of space sims (hooray) I have been playing Warmachine and warhammer 40k. I was just curious what other people do outside of the main games we talk about!
    Khorneholio likes this.
  2. -As far as "meatspace" gaming goes...

    I'm actually in the midst of putting together a new Necron army myself. :D

    I also play in two regular pen and paper games: Serenity and Star Wars Edge of the Empire.

    I'm active in my local boardgaming meetup group and regularly play everything from Catan to Twilight Imperium.

    -As far alternate electronic games go...

    I'm a longtime Battlefield junkie and still play BF4 regularly. The newest netcode patch is AMAZING. It's like a whole new game.

    I'm also eagerly anticipating WH40K eternal crusade. And The Division.
  3. I used to play 40k, but GWs terrible business practices turned me off finally. So I now play Corvus Belli Infinity.
  4. Traceroute

    Traceroute DragonWolf

    I have been playing more warmachine than 40k lately (Yay space elves) and thankfully I have collected enough models over the last twenty years I don't have to buy anything anymore! 40k Wise anyway. I have gotten my Cryx warband looking pretty undeadlicious though!
  5. My Space Marines are sitting pretty all unpainted in their little metal (cardboard) bawxes
  6. Instead of paying someone to do it, I'm going to try my hand at painting first the first time with these Necrons. Wish me luck! :/ lol
  7. PvZ Garden Warfare :D
  8. Khorne: Necrons are a pretty good choice for getting your feet wet since they look pretty good with just black and then gunmetal drybrushed over top. Tiny bit of detailing here and there and then done. Probably the fastest army to get to look "decent" that I have, followed by the Grey Knights who are nearly as fast, but have a few more details.

    As you may have surmised, I have a gigantic 40k collection and a pretty sizable Fantasy one. Only have three armies painted to a fieldable level though (Spess Mahrines, Necrons and Grey Knights). GW has managed to annoy me enough that I don't collect much new anymore and I've recently taken up Flames of War because I'm a WW2 history nerd. Also a good excuse to pick up an airbrush. When my compressor arrives tomorrow I hope to start cranking out some Germans. :D

    Videogaming these days I pretty much just play World of Tanks (see also: WW2 history nerd) and maybe knock out some bounties in D3 when I just need to fill time.
  9. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Been playing a lot of X-Wing as of late, catching a little PC gaming, mostly Diablo. Re-starting a D&D 4E game (I'm the DM) soon. Picked up Munchkin (great game for the next rally btw).

    Used to play Warhammer Fantasy way back and was considering getting into 40K but a few people warned me off with GW's new direction

    The Dominoes are rattling behind me as we speak. I think they're angry with me for suggesting a different rally game. Pray for me.
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    TBizzle and I have actually been playing CoH2. My connection "will allow it". ;) We had a good comp-stomp session last night.

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