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Constellation variants released

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Madkruser, 15 Aug 2014.

  1. Andromeda is the now the base model. Standard bells and whistles that we already know. Good for patrols, I suppose.

    The Taurus is a straight up freighter with about 100 more "freight units", but ditches the fighter to make room. Also seems to have slightly less firepower than the Andromeda, with have as many S2 missile racks (but 2x as many S1), and only one Class five weapon. Also slightly weaker shields and engines, both one level below the base model. Freight hauler and supply ship would seem to be the main focus.

    The Aquila is the exploration variant. Rover instead of a fighter, long-range jump drive and sensors, higher fuel capacity, similar armament to the Taurus, and equivalent propulsion and shields. Also mentions a redesigned cockpit to maximize viewing. Awesome commercial.

    The Phoenix is the luxury model. Comes with rover and an upgraded version of the P-52 Merlin (the P-72 Archimedes). Lowest cargo capacity out of all the models, and least well-armed, coming with only 4x S1 missile racks, though they're separated into two pairs with different amounts of ammo capacity. Tied with the Taurus with the weaker TR5 engine, bu has a more powerful power plant. Doesn't seem like it'd be much use in a fight. The Andromeda's got more teeth, and I doubt the Archimedes can outperform the Merlin enough to make a difference. If we go into diplomacy, it might be a good option, but I can't imagine a whole lot of situations where that'd be necessary.

    Andromeda: Jack-of-all-trades/firepower
    Taurus: Freight hauling
    Aquila: Endurance
    Phoenix: More of a support ship than the Andromeda, but also pretty.

    I went ahead and got the Aquila model. I was thinking about the Phoenix, but that $125 price tag isn't doing it for me.

    EDIT: Got confirmation that some of the ship stats on the website were wrong, including the strength of the Phoenix's engines.
    Last edited: 16 Aug 2014
  2. They mention each ship has an upgrade station (like c&c or entertainment) also the Aquila rover is a civilian model of the UEE Marine combat vehicle.
  3. Though I will be upgrading to the Aquila, I'm hoping the Ursa rover will be better fleshed out than it is currently; right now it looks like a poor-man's version of the equipment buggy from Stargate SG-1, so I can't imagine how they expect the UEE's military variant to fare.

    As for features in the Phoenix, hopefully, the conference room will become an ingame upgrade, and I suspect the jacuzzi will be available for many ships and the hangars' "crew quarters" later on.
  4. they also suggested that the cargo hold for the Phoenix would be shielded so that scanners would be unable to see your cargo. I think the cutlass or Caterpillar had the same feature, though with out the reputation

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