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Alpha 3.0.0

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 24 Dec 2017.

  1. Alpha 3.0.0 of Star Citizen is now available for all users - this requires a completely new installation to upgrade and play the game's latest version.

    Click here to download the Game Launcher, which will perform the upgrading process.
    Last edited: 24 Dec 2017
  2. It's amazing what a few days of running cargo can do to the bank account :D

  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Gonna start going on shortly, how stable is it Stick? I've heard podcasts that performance goes down if too many people are in the area. Could a few of us get on and do some missions? Trading?
  4. First couple of days were rough due to a server-side interdiction bug that was spawning a shitload of NPCs. They hotfixed that and even with 50 players, things are pretty smooth.

    Combat is a little all over the place right now if the framerate drops, and some weapons don't seem to put out a lot of damage at the moment so fights can take a while.

    If you don't have at least 16gb of ram you're more than likely going to see some major performance problems on your end. Client needs a shitload of ram for now.

    Could absolutely get a few of us in there running cargo and doing missions. I will say that missions pay a relative pittance compared to just hauling goods from place to place.
  5. Hmmm... Might be time to bust out the 'ol Starfarer. :)
  6. do we have a kensai sighting?
    Khorneholio likes this.

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