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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Sarxis, 13 Dec 2011.

  1. Dunno.. I seem to gravitate to these tech articles:


    But basically it is a camera that is really really fast. Fast to the tune of being able to watch an individual pulse of light travel down the length of a Coca-cola bottle.

    And yet, all I can think about is how this can be applied to create a Stealth Suit from Planetside.

    WHERE'S THE PS2 BETA!?!? :rawr:
  2. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I saw that! Once I realized what I was looking at I was blown away.

    The thing that made me the most shocked was the unevenness of the light. I expected an extremely sharp delineation between lit and unlit. If the speed of light is a constant, then why is so much of the bottle lit unevenly?

    If what you are seeing is just the difference in the light source turning on unevenly, that is pretty cool too.
  3. The light unevenness is probably due to the photon generation: they aren't all created at once from the source, kinda like opening the gates of a damn - some water comes out first, and then it pours out quicker as the gates open wider.

    But really, this is just cool stuff for a layman such as myself.
  4. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Perhaps it is because light is made up of many different wave lengths and you are seeing the arrival of the different ones, just some are more prominent.

    But since I'm not going to try to calculate what 1 trillion frames per second equals to in terms of 186 thousand miles per second I wouldn't know if the above statement is even within reality.

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