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Zodiaks "issue of the week"

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Zodiak, 3 Nov 2014.

Are we sick of zodiaks god damn issues

Poll closed 10 Nov 2014.
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  1. So as most of you helping folks have come to see every time I post I seem to have a new issue with my PC. Well not to upset the norm here I am again.... I'm as sick of it as I assume most of you are but am out of places to turn without paying out the waaZoooo for it.
    Over he past 4-6 weeks I've slowly been all but rebuilding my rig. New CPU new PSU and today a new Motherboard... After going through the manual and making sure I have correctly installed everything and am not missing something small or silly yet. Problem I have. I have no power to my rig when I hit the switch . I get a tiny light near the Ethernet plug that turns on and that's it nothing she I hit the power or reset switch.... Been searching high and low for a missing plug or something out of place but no luck.... Any ideas? Thanks in advanced guys
  2. 24-pin ATX power is plugged in? Got the 12-V plug installed too?

    If you have everything plugged in, you may have a short in your case. Try taking everything out and reseating your motherboard as it may be in contact with the case. Make sure you're using the brass standoffs in as many places as the motherboard can handle.

    The PSU could be faulty or just not have enough wattage to power everything. Try unplugging everything BUT the motherboard and turning it on. If it starts up the fans and tries to POST, then you may need more wattage or the PSU is not generating its rated power.
  3. Thanks gonna check for shorts now and double check the psu
  4. Gonna need to get some more standoffs! Thanks a bunch 99% sure it's a short issue
  5. Switched out all the standoff and still having the same issue won't even start with just motherboard hooked up
  6. New development! Board works when I short out the power switch pins with screwdriver, but not when plugged in.... Bad switch?? Came with the case idk how is get a new one without getting a new case? I
    have the NXZT phantom?
  7. ITS ALIVE!!!!! Muahahhahhahaha thanks to everyone and anyone who helped along this journey
  8. So what was the final fix?
  9. It looks like after all of that it was the power switch on my case.... Eh the upgrades needed to happen anyways but now I have to be an adult and get a legit copy of windows 7 and reinstall because my drivers are not the same and windows cannot start up now. So even to update I need my install disc for windows which I don't own lol always something

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